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Isaac Newton decía "What we know is a drop of water, what we don´t know is an ocean".

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Older people and emergency bed use Exploring variation

                  FOUR principles to improve the delivery of care for older people.

  • Choose to admit only those frail older people who have evidence of underlying lifethreatening illness or need for surgery. They should be admitted, as an emergency, to an acute bed.
  • Provide early access to an old age acute care specialist, ideally within the first 24 hours, to set up the right management plan.
  • Discharge to assess as soon as the acute episode is complete, in order to plan postacute care in the person’s own home.
  • Provide comprehensive assessment and reablement during post-acute care to determine and reduce long-term care needs.

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