Este blog pretende ser un cuaderno de notas que incluya recortes de prensa, reseñas, artículos de opinión,.. que nos inviten al debate y a cuantos comentarios y/o reflexiones nos sugiera el presente, el pasado o el futuro.

Isaac Newton decía "What we know is a drop of water, what we don´t know is an ocean".

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

HEALTH CHECK: The NHS and Market Reforms. IEA Discussion Paper no.54.

Kristian Niemietz. 
October 2014. 

Institute of Economic Affairs. 

"Competition is a discovery process. Competition puts different organisational models and work practices to the test, and enables us to discover what works best in which circumstances. The main benefit of competition is not that it makes us ‘work harder’. The main benefit of competition is that it creates knowledge about what is most effective and meets the needs and wishes of patients. 

We discover where co-operation should take the form of a loose network of independent actors, and where it should take the form of more rigid contractual relationships. Through competition, suppliers find out in what areas consumers want a broad range of choice at the point of buying (such as in a supermarket), and where they prefer a specialist purchaser to make a pre-selection for them (such as in a speciality store). Competition is the ultimate field test for different ideas about ‘what works’, and the fastest way to weed out bad practice.

It is a popular claim that healthcare cannot be left to market forces because it is ‘too complex’. The exact opposite is true. If healthcare were a simple matter, the question of whether it should be provided by a public sector monopoly or a competitive process would be far less important. It is not despite, but precisely because of the fact that healthcare is so complex, and our knowledge of it so limited, that we stand to benefit hugely from deploying the knowledge- creation machine that is competition. "

sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

Most Asia/Pacific countries need to improve affordable access to healthcare, says OECD

HEALTH AT a Glance 2014. Asia-Pacific countries

House tenure among the over-65s.

Pensions at a Glance 2013. 

However living standards in old-age are also influenced by other resources. The elderly often own their houses. Older owner occupiers have generally paid off their mortgages, and so face much lower housing costs than people paying rent. Including the monetary benefit that people have from living in their own homes (the so called "imputed rent") increases disposable income of the elderly and contributes to the reduction of old-age poverty. In Spain, adding imputed rent reduces old-age poverty rates by more than half and increases disposable income by around 30%. This is the highest value observed in OECD countries. 

Una panorámica de la Unión Bancaria Europea. David Vergara

"Los costes directos e indirectos de la crisis financiera para los contribuyentes europeos han sido muy elevados y la necesidad de contar con mecanismos que en el futuro limitarán la participación del sector público en la resolución o liquidación de entidades bancarias fue pronto identificada como uno de los objetivos fundamentales de los cambios regulatorios. "

Health at a Glance. Europe 2014.

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

A Wall Street CEO accepts an ice bucket challenge ¡¡. Vídeo.

En Wall Street (New York), the 19 th of August, se grabó este vídeo, "an ice bucket challenge", con la Bolsa y la Reserva Federal de fondo:




 A pie de calle, en Queens, Access Medicare, realiza publicidad y se enorgullece de darle más valor a su seguro de salud. "Si tiene Medicare y Medicaid, recibe Ayuda adicional (LIS) o tiene Medicare Original, Access Medicare tiene un plan para usted. Según el plan que elija, nuestros beneficios mejorados incluyen:
 - $ 0 de prima del plan
 - $ 0 de copago o de bajo costo.
 - Cobertura de servicios auditivos y de la vista.
- Servicios dentales completo.
 - Cobertura de emergencia mundial.
 - Transporte para obtener servicios médicos.
 - Tarjeta OTC para productos sin receta.
- Cobertura para medicamentos con receta de bajo costo. "
 Access Medicare es una Organización para el mantenimiento de la salud (HMO, por sus siglas en inglés) que tiene un contrato con Medicare. La inscripción en Access Medicare depende de la renovación del contrato. Las personas deben tener derecho a la parte A y la parte B de Medicare para inscribirse. El Área de servicio incluye los distritos de Manhattan, Queens y el Bronx.

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

Reforming the NHS from within: beyond hierarchy, inspection and markets

Reforming the NHS from within
Beyond hierarchy, inspección and markets.

Time to Think Differently

Chris Ham.
The King's Fund

- Engaging doctores, nurses and other staff in improvement programmes
- The strategic role of politicians is clearly demarcated to avoid frequent shifts of direction that create barriers to transformational change.
- Leadership development. Collective and distributed.
- Commitment rather compliance.
- Transparency
- Integrated providers.